Distant Healing
Distant Healing is healing performed when the patient is not present. It is possible to send healing energies over any distance and this form of healing can be very effective.
The patients may or may not be aware that this healing has been undertaken for them but may attain much benefit from it coming, as it does, from the love and concern that their friends and relatives have for them.
Add a name to our Distant Healing List
If you or someone you know would like to receive Distant Healing please contact us asking that Distant Healing be sent and telling us who needs the healing and as much as you wish about why healing is needed. We only require the first name of the intended recipient.
You can request this using the form on the Contact page or by e-mailing norwichenergyhealing@gmail.com Your message will be read by the healing team, and every message will receive a reply. Our healing group will then collectively send distant healing to you or the person you have named each Thursday at 9pm. We also invite you to sit peacefully at this time in order that you can participate in your own healing, however we stress it is not necessary to do this in order to benefit from distant healing.
We can never promise a particular outcome, but we will do everything we can and it is unusual for healing not to be helpful in some way.
Distant Healing Testimonials
"I would like to recommend distant healing. I have had distant healing during lockdown for my Trigeminal Neuralgia and my pain was relieved considerably." - Doreen, Norfolk
"I suffer from a chronic illness which affects my immune system, causing pain and inflammation in my joints. Distant healing for me is very uplifting and has helped me to learn to listen to my body more. I always feel a warm glow around my body during the distant healing and sometimes a tingling sensation over a particular joint if it has been hurting more than usual. I find I sleep well after distant healing." - Tracy, Bedfordshire
"It makes me feel lighter and at ease with things." - Danielle, Essex
"I have suffered back and joint pain for some years. Since I have had distant healing my back is better. My hands are better and I have not worn my splints for the last two months. Great feeling, and my movement is a lot better." - Sandra, Norfolk
"Distant healing gave me valuable support during lockdown at a time when I was in and out of hospital." - Susie, Cambridgeshire
"I've found distant healing to be a very peaceful experience that helps me to feel happier and cope with the life stress and health
difficulties I experience. I even look better after a session! It's great to be able to continue having healing, in spite of not mixing with people during the pandemic." - Nicola, Norwich
The Purity and Power of Distant Healing by Diana Bylett
As a channel for distant healing, you need to trust that the energy is reaching and helping the person concerned, accepting feedback is not always possible. So you learn to trust in the energy (and intelligence) of unconditional love, and that it is being received. Yet occasionally evidence is given, as in the following case history.
It began with a phone call. It was from Adrian, a man I was seeing regularly for healing who had leukaemia. Clearly distressed, he said "Please send distant healing to my son, John, who has been involved in a car crash and has severe head injuries. He may not survive, or if he does he may have serious brain damage."
I had met John twice in Norfolk, but then he had moved away to take a job in South Africa. Now, he was in a coma in a hospital out there. Of course I said I would immediately send John healing.
Because of his own health condition, Adrian couldn't fly out to South Africa so his wife Jane flew out alone to be with their son.
When Jane arrived she discovered John was in a terrible condition and still in a coma. The nursing staff warned her that sometimes John spoke, but it didn't make any sense.
Jane asked the nurse what her son had been saying. "He keeps repeating the same thing", replied the nurse. "He's been saying 'Diana has been to see me'". The nurse added that they knew nobody of that name had been to visit John.
Jane was both shocked and delighted! "Don't dismiss this," she told the nursing staff. "Diana is a healer in England who is sending healing to my son."
This episode provided lovely evidence and was a great comfort for the family, who knew that healing had reached their son. The nursing staff, who became very interested, had to accept that on some level of consciousness John had been aware.
Shortly afterwards, John came out of his coma. His mother stayed with him until he was able to be moved, and arrangements were made for an air ambulance to fly him back home.
It was a slow process but, gradually, over time and with more healing, John managed to make a full recovery.
I have come to believe we should never underestimate distant healing as it is a pure and powerful means to reach people who may be far away.
Experience and evidence over the years has shown me that this form of healing has no boundaries- yet has boundless possibilities.